Student Guide

Fresher’s Week

Fresher’s week is an amazing week of fun and frolics. Make sure you make the most of fresher’s week, your university will have lots of activities and events planned so go to as many as you can! It will be the perfect opportunity to make new friends and sign up to lots of clubs and societies.

Your Money

If you have not already opened a Student Bank Account you should look to do this now! Don’t be distracted by the free gifts.

The most important aspect when looking at new accounts is the size of the interest free overdraft. Most students at some point depend on their overdraft, going beyond your interest free overdraft facility can be very expensive so shop around and compare the incentives.

The main high streets banks are…

Credit Cards

When it comes to student banking the two things to avoid are unauthorized overdrafts and credit cards, the interest rates are very high and debts can build up very quickly.

NUS card

As a student you are eligible for lots of discounts, when you register with your University your get you’re NUS – National Union of Students identity card, which not only gets you into all of your university’s facilities and events but also saves you money too.

NUS Extra card

For even more benefits you can register for a NUS extra card, this costs £10.00 a month and gets you discounts at Amazon, McDonalds, Superdrug & Ticketmaster.

Your Travel

Student Railcard

This costs £26.00 and will save you up to 1/3 on rail fares throughout Great Britain for a whole year.

Be Safe

Always plan you’re journey in advance, always book your taxi in advance with a provider you or a friend have used before. Do not get into a private care hire vehicle if you have not booked it.

Your Mobile

All major mobile phone operators offer deals for students, see the below links to comparison sites to find the best deal for you.