Tags – Revision Tips – Exam Revision Tips
Exams are the most challenging times in Colleges and Universities.
Every grade and number counts towards the end of the year.
As a result, it becomes very important to handle each exam seriously.
Here, revision is an important aspect of preparing for exams. And in this brief guide, we will give you the top five tips for student revision that will help you ace every exam throughout the semester and year.
1. Start Revision Early
Effective revision is not possible in a rush.
Try to give yourself some time.
In other words, start studying early, so that you have enough time to revise the topics.
In fact, the more you have time for revision, the better your brain will be able to understand the topics.
Further, starting early and spreading the workload for each exam will not only help in great revision strategies, but also will help your brain in retaining the information.
Also, it will ensure that you feel less stressed along the way.
2. See the Exam Format
Make sure you know what the exam will be like.
So, format and scope the topics, so you have a better idea of where to put in maximum effort for revision.
Here, look over the syllabus and make a decision on the approach you are going to take for exam preparation. For instance, in essay-based exams, you might not need to go through the whole syllabus.
In addition, covering little content in greater detail might be a better way to prepare more effectively.
3. Look for Revision Methods that Work for You
There are many revision techniques. And it differs from student to student: what works for them.
Methods that help in revision include checking past papers, using flashcards, doing mind maps, group work or even recording yourself talking and then playing it back.
These are some of the ways to find what works for you. To better make a decision, you can even try some of them as a trial.
But keep in mind that what works for one exam and student might not work for another. So, test your own waters and don’t copy how others are preparing.
Again, it comes to starting early, as starting early will give you time to explore the best revision methods for you.
4. Test Yourself
You can either do it yourself or ask a friend or family member to test your preparation.
Time spent in testing your knowledge is worth gold. Here, if you are doing it yourself, try to come up with questions that test the logic of your understanding.
So, understand things by thinking them through and don’t just memorise them.
The actual purpose of an exam is to test the knowledge, not the memory.
5. Take Breaks During Revision
It takes time to understand and store information – it is not possible to cram it all in a single go and expect the information to stay there in your brain.
For a better chance of success in the exam, stagger your revisions – an hour of revision every day for five days is better than five hours of revision on a fifth day.
Similarly, a step away from revision for some short time will help your brain process and retain the information.
Not only that, but also it will improve your ability to remember things.
Stretch a little, take a walk, drink some tea – do whatever takes you away from the study table for a while.
The purpose of an exam is to test your knowledge. And in a way, exams are also preparing you for life.
For instance, exams will teach you discipline and strategy, and prepare you to take on the challenges of life.
In particular, they won’t decide your success in practical life, but will better equip you for success.
So, do your best and show up with the best of your versions. Good luck!
To learn more, get in touch with us today.
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